Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Progressive Era

What is antiwar? Antiwar is a social movement in opposition to a particular nation’s decision to start or carry on armed conflict. One thing you don’t see nor hear about in mainstream media is the antiwar movement. Many people wonder why but I think the reason is that it’s not popular to go against the government. The antiwar movement is often known to be very ruthless and harsh by the way they report things and they also are known to go against the perfect, ideal America view. The reason why these antiwar websites can be hard to find is because most people who have this view are not public about it due to the backlash it would have in every aspect of their life such a socially, work wise and it could even hurt financially if they have a business because people could find out their views and no longer want to spend their money there. If antiwar was a positive movement don’t you think people would be proud to say and express their feelings and what they’re apart of? I believe this is one of the instances where being different has a negative connotation attached to it especially when it comes to the government here in America.

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