Sunday, December 6, 2020


Diffusions of Innovation

When I think about Rogers Diffusion Theory I think about the Civil Rights Movement. Imagine for 400 years your people were murdered, beat and enslaved and the moment they tell you you’re free you’re nowhere near it. Yes slavery ended but it didn’t stop there. Dr. King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks led the way to desegregation and that was a huge accomplishment and will always be one for the black community but what about the many people lynched, murdered and put in jail all because they were fighting for their God given human rights. I then go to think about how in 2008 we elected the first African American President, many thought that was near impossible but that was an amazing accomplishment our community takes pride in. After all the 8 glory years Obama has here we go… electing a openly racist white man who refuses to deny the very terrorist organization who lynched our people back in the 1950s. Just as things were going well police brutality against black people especially men spiked like no other creating the most powerful movement this country has seen since the Civil Rights Movement. Imagine being me, hearing about your great grandparents picking cotton, your grandmother marching with Martin Luther King Jr. and then there’s me… planning a Black Lives Matter protest at your predominantly white university because someone wrote the racial slur that cut your ancestors to the core as a joke… yet here I am in 2020 trying to fix it. 450 years later.

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