Sunday, December 6, 2020


EOTO Com Tech Timeline Peer Review

During peer presentations what caught my eye was the information presented about the first television. At the end of the 1920s there were only a couple dozen televisions in the world which at the time were huge (basically covered the entire wall) which were all placed in research labs. It started at a RCA research lab and is now in almost every Americans living room. It was invented in 1928 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth who invented the first all-electric vision image. The original use of a television was delivering images to a screen and the first system broadcast was a straight-line photo, and the footage was seen in black and white. Philo wanted a tube that could somehow electronically show images by shooting a beam of electrons against a light sensitive screen. The TV got its name television meaning a device that mechanically scanned an image through a spinning disc with holes cut into it that is able to project tiny reproduction of what is being scanned on a screen. Without TV today we wouldn’t have Ellen, Netflix and my current major would definitely not exist.


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