Sunday, December 6, 2020

 Privacy, Online & Offline

Unfortunately, as a woman nothing I heard was new. But Darieth Chisolm did have and amazing story about how she overcame the embarrassment and shame of revenge porn. As a woman in today’s world with the way technology is things are very different. In middle school there were girls getting “exposed” for sending nude pictures of themselves to their so called boyfriends and it somehow would end up on snapchat or Instagram broadcasted for the whole entire school to see, and when the girls would come to school it would be hell to pay from people calling them out their name to the students gossiping about it with the teachers. I also remember high school, when a young girl tried to commit suicide because she created a sex tape with her at the time boyfriend and he blasted it on every social media app that the school encouraged her to attended an alternative school for the remainder of high school… although I don’t remember hearing about the boys punishment but I do know everyone blamed the girl and not him. This shows the day and age we are in, where the topic of revenge porn is now being taught in health class at the 6th grade level because of how popular spreading nudes has become.

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