Sunday, December 6, 2020


Eight Values of Free Expression 

Out of all eight speech theories I resonate with Protect Dissent most. This theory embodies the true meaning of America by letting us disagree and criticize out government. This resonates with me because during this current year (2020) there has been a lot of decisions that the government made that I don’t agree with starting with the continuous systematic oppression on African Americans in this country. Imagine living in a society where your very own ancestors built this country from the ground up yet for 450 years there is yet to be equality and justice for all. I can’t count the times I woke up this year and went onto twitter and Instagram and saw a video of a black man or woman getting shot by the police. As a child I was taught to avoid the police if possible. I was warned that if I get pulled over by the cops, I need to immediately put both hands on the steering wheel and try to record if possible. I was taught to not catch and attitude with the officer and when they ask for your license or registration you ask the officer for permission to reach in your own property to show them what they asked for. I was taught in the second grade that I will always have to work twice as hard than a white person just because of what I can’t control… my skin. I have seen that my skin is a threat. My skin makes some nervous and uncomfy. I supposedly live in the “Land of the Free” and the “Home of the Brave”, but how can it be free is 450 years later we’re still fighting for out God given human rights. All we want is to be able to feel safe with the police, not fear them. All we want is to be able to walk down a sidewalk with an Arizona tea and skittles and not have to worry about getting shot by a white supremacist in our own neighborhood. All we want is for the President of the United States to denounce the very people who are still lynching our people to this day. Is that so hard to ask for? How come the government cares for white lives but barely acknowledges black lives. We live in a time where you can’t trust anyone, and the main thing that I should be able to trust is the government… Where me and my people should’ve always been free.

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