Sunday, December 6, 2020


Final Post

Technology was a part of my life as soon as I could log onto the desktop computer and find fun Disney games to play at age seven. I think that the relationship I have with technology is unhealthy because I can’t go an hour without looking at my phone and even if I don’t have my phone my apple watch alerts me just like my phone would, it’s as if I can’t unplug no matter what. I know for a fact the amount of time I spend on technology is inappropriate because I’m barely giving my brain time to process where I’m at, what I’m doing and how I’m feeling before I unlock my phone and randomly scroll Facebook because nothing in that moment has my attention. Although I may sound hard on myself I believe that technology is informing me and I think it’s making me somewhat smarter because just one hour of scrolling through twitter I can find out the news, what’s going on in black culture and which celebrity has been arrested and why. I do think that social media can be misleading especially when it comes to liable information because a lot of the time if something is written about a person its not them personally submitting it to the internet which makes credibility incredibly important, meaning I don’t believe anything unless I see the news sites confirm it. Today’s society that we live in often alters the way we see ourselves especially my generation because looks, money and followers is what’s important to us and even though we know it’s not realistic to look like a coke bottle Kardashian it’s hard to not want to try. I fell like I’ve let myself go in a sense because. I no longer have quiet time, or I no longer feel at one with myself. The times that my phone dies and I’m not near a charger I feel and odd relief because I no longer feel the burden of scrolling, liking and hearting post for that time being and I know you may be reading this wondering, “why don’t you just delete the apps” I don’t find it that simple. It’s the year of 2020, I’m addicted to my phone… and its addicted to me.




Audit Your Online Presence

What’s my social media presence like? Well I’m here to answer it all. I have 1,482 followers on Instagram, which isn’t too bad for someone who post about nothing really. My favorite social media site is between twitter and Instagram. From looking at my page you can automatically tell I like to have fun, I’m an organized individual and I’m somewhat very into the latest fashion and beauty trends. The only private info I’ve given out is my link to an apple music playlist that I put up for all my followers to listen to and enjoy but I have given out my number and email which is required for almost every social media site if you have interest in joining. Before social media I wasn’t as consumed with superficial things but as I’ve gotten older its easier for me to spot out when I need to regroup and take a break.

EOTO Terms & Concepts

Citizen Journalism: The collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the internet.

Effect On Society

•On a positive note exclusive information can be told in a matter of seconds but that information isn’t necessarily credible.

Personal Effects

•It all depends on the type of news you consume. Millennials and Gen Z typically get all their information through twitter, instagram or tik tok meaning all information isn’t accurate or credible. 

Alternative Media: Alternative media are media sources that differ from established or dominant types of media in terms of their content, production, or distribution. Ex; Newspaper, Radio, TV...

Effect On Society

•Affects our everyday life and how we get information for basic needs such as the weather, crimes, politics and pop culture.

Personal Effects

•The average adult watches the morning news and the nightly news to find out what’s going on nationally and locally right from the comfort of their home.

Echo Chamber: An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.

Effects On Society 

•Participants in online discussions may find their opinions constantly echoed back to them, which reinforces their individual belief systems due to the declining exposure to others opinions.

Personal Effects

•When a person gets all their news and political arguments from Facebook and all their Facebook friends share their political views, they’re in an epistemic bubble. They’re never exposed to the other side’s views.

Whistleblower: A whistleblower is a person, usually an employee, who exposes information or activity within a private, public, or government organization that is deemed illegal, illicit, unsafe, or a waste, fraud, or abuse of taxpayer funds.

Effects on Society

•To follow the same process, have many effects on a business which can be negative and positive depending upon the actions taken by the management on the whistleblowing issues.

Personal Effects

•It has negative impacts such as loss of credibility, decline in customers which affects the financial status of the business.

Online Influencer: A social media influencer is a user who has established credibility in a specific industry, has access to a huge audience and can persuade others to act based on their recommendations.

Effects On Society 

•These influencers have a size-able and trusted network of engaged fans and followers which can cause average people to have false realities and unrealistic standards.

Personal Effects

•The idea behind this promotion method is that by relaying a message to a handful of influencers, they will promote it to their immense networks, causing most influencers to make their income off promotions.

 Privacy, Online & Offline

Unfortunately, as a woman nothing I heard was new. But Darieth Chisolm did have and amazing story about how she overcame the embarrassment and shame of revenge porn. As a woman in today’s world with the way technology is things are very different. In middle school there were girls getting “exposed” for sending nude pictures of themselves to their so called boyfriends and it somehow would end up on snapchat or Instagram broadcasted for the whole entire school to see, and when the girls would come to school it would be hell to pay from people calling them out their name to the students gossiping about it with the teachers. I also remember high school, when a young girl tried to commit suicide because she created a sex tape with her at the time boyfriend and he blasted it on every social media app that the school encouraged her to attended an alternative school for the remainder of high school… although I don’t remember hearing about the boys punishment but I do know everyone blamed the girl and not him. This shows the day and age we are in, where the topic of revenge porn is now being taught in health class at the 6th grade level because of how popular spreading nudes has become.


Diffusions of Innovation

When I think about Rogers Diffusion Theory I think about the Civil Rights Movement. Imagine for 400 years your people were murdered, beat and enslaved and the moment they tell you you’re free you’re nowhere near it. Yes slavery ended but it didn’t stop there. Dr. King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks led the way to desegregation and that was a huge accomplishment and will always be one for the black community but what about the many people lynched, murdered and put in jail all because they were fighting for their God given human rights. I then go to think about how in 2008 we elected the first African American President, many thought that was near impossible but that was an amazing accomplishment our community takes pride in. After all the 8 glory years Obama has here we go… electing a openly racist white man who refuses to deny the very terrorist organization who lynched our people back in the 1950s. Just as things were going well police brutality against black people especially men spiked like no other creating the most powerful movement this country has seen since the Civil Rights Movement. Imagine being me, hearing about your great grandparents picking cotton, your grandmother marching with Martin Luther King Jr. and then there’s me… planning a Black Lives Matter protest at your predominantly white university because someone wrote the racial slur that cut your ancestors to the core as a joke… yet here I am in 2020 trying to fix it. 450 years later.


EOTO Com Tech Timeline Peer Review

During peer presentations what caught my eye was the information presented about the first television. At the end of the 1920s there were only a couple dozen televisions in the world which at the time were huge (basically covered the entire wall) which were all placed in research labs. It started at a RCA research lab and is now in almost every Americans living room. It was invented in 1928 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth who invented the first all-electric vision image. The original use of a television was delivering images to a screen and the first system broadcast was a straight-line photo, and the footage was seen in black and white. Philo wanted a tube that could somehow electronically show images by shooting a beam of electrons against a light sensitive screen. The TV got its name television meaning a device that mechanically scanned an image through a spinning disc with holes cut into it that is able to project tiny reproduction of what is being scanned on a screen. Without TV today we wouldn’t have Ellen, Netflix and my current major would definitely not exist.



EOTO Com Tech Timeline

I researched the first SMS Text which was started in 1964 by Matti Makkonen when he decided to pitch the concept called text message to every cellphone network but only one was interested. In 1984 the first SMS (Short Message Service) was made by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert, the message was restricted to 160 characters per message so it could fit the signaling formats. The first text was sent in 1992 by a young test engineer named Neil Papworth who was texting his friend Richard Jarvis a simple message saying, “Merry Christmas” and that was the first time in history anyone did something called “text”. But it doesn’t end there… In 1993 Brennan Hayden who was an engineer for
a Irish wireless company named Aldiscon sent the first “commercial text message”. Following Papworth & Hayden in 1993 Nokia decided to get behind the SMS movement and was the first cellphone company to have texting feature as an option on their cell phones. Following the newfound excitement for texting, 1997 Nokia released a phone with a keyboard specifically designed for texting and that is where it all began. It’s hard to believe looking back that the iPhone 12 came from a small Nokia. If it weren’t for Makkonen life would be completely different from the way children develop to the way we work, keep up with the news and have a social life while remaining busy with other everyday things such as school and work. Imagine if there was no SMS created you wouldn’t be able to text 911 if you’re in a dangerous situation and can’t speak on the phone, or imagine if you can no longer text the code of the week to chipotle in order for you to get free guac on your next visit. The way technology has evolved is hard to believe but without SMS we would be back to square one… sending a message in a bottle.


  Final Post Technology was a part of my life as soon as I could log onto the desktop computer and find fun Disney games to play at age seve...