Monday, September 7, 2020

Civil War & Reconstruction


On August 30, 2020 Jacob Blake was wrongfully shot seven times in the back by officer Rusten Sheskey. The shooting occurred in Kenosha,WI and was caught on video by a neighbor who quickly posted it on facebook. Unfortunately, in the past black men and women being murdered by the police wrongfully on camera became acceptable to the American people and the Judicial government. In recent events such as the murder of George Floyd, the brave and persistent protestors from all over the world stood for justice and protested with the Black Community showing not only the American people but the entire world that these atrocious incidents will no longer be accepted nor tolerated. Jacob Blake who is paralyzed from the waist down has spoken out on the injustice act that has changed his life forever. He broke his silence by stating, "Every 24 hours, it’s pain — it’s nothing but pain,". This is not only how Jacob Blake feels physically but this is how Black people all over the country feel. Every day checking the news and seeing another black man killed by the ones who are supposed to serve and protect should never sit right with anyone who calls themselves a human being. As protests around the country continue, our voices are still being heard. When we chant "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE" that is exactly what we mean.

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